“The Evil Eye”

A practical, modern-day exploration of one of the oldest, most universal, and storied forms of folk magic, by Antonio Pagliarulo

Evil Eye Book Cover

Antonio Pagliarulo explores the phenomenon of The Evil Eye: what it is, its origins and causes — and, most crucially, how to avoid, repel, and remove it. Rich with cultural anecdotes and traditions, mystical lore, and modern concepts, The Evil Eye offers practical advice for shielding yourself from the destructive and lingering power of this mysterious and persistent force.

The book:

Defines The Evil Eye and traces its roots into antiquity and across an extraordinary breadth of cultures and traditions
Shows readers how to diagnose The Evil Eye, how to cure it, and how to cast it on others
Explores the use of amulets and talismans bearing The Evil Eye, including its remarkable prevalence in popular jewelry designs
Includes the history and use of various talismans such as the Hamsa; the Italian cornicello and mano figa; the azabache stone; the Kabbalah red string; mirror pendants; and many others.

The Evil Eye by Antonio Pagliarulo, displays dilligent research into the subject, as well as how to protect yourself from the Evil Eye’s malignant effects. Read this book and you will become a warrior and nor a worrier. Envy is the Evil Eye: l’invidia il malocchio. The evil of envy is worldwide, the underside of vision! No need to write more. You who read my words, obtain this very valuable book.” — Reverend Lori Bruno-Sforza, HPS, Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church and Chapel of the archangel Michael.

Click on the book cover to buy the book or see more info, or click HERE

Book Signing-The Magic Within our Words

BOOK SIGNING – Would you enjoy a book filled with positive powerful magic? They don’t call it “Spelling” for nothing! Our words are powerful, enjoy this easy read and may it remind us of the foundation of our spells. Come pick up your copy of “The Magic Within Our Words! ” and meet the author, Stacey Freedman-Quinones (AKA “Witchypoo”). Lori Bruno is featured in this book. The event will take place Sunday October 27,2019 12-5 PM, at MAGIKA, 107 Federal St. Salem, MA. 01970. Salem will be in full Halloween mode so plan your travel well. http://www.magika.org

Download a Printable PDF Here —   majika book signing-adjusted


Michaelmas Circle Sept 30

Michaelmas Circle
Sunday September 30, 2018 – 3:00 PM
Join us at the Magika Shop for an observation fo Michaelmas day when we will have a Circle in celebration of one of the most-ancient personas in the Spiritual pantheon. Recognized by many faiths as the Angel that overcomes the Adversary, the angel is mentioned in numerous Holy Books and is known by other names in the ancient writings.

The Circle will take place at the Magika Shop, 107 Federal St, Salem, Ma. 01970. Please note that there is no parking available at the shop so we recommend parking elsewhere and walking in. Public transit is also nearby. This is sn outdoor event and will be subject to weather. Please dress and plan accordingly.

Dec 7 – Then and Now

Hello to my friends, supporters, and fellow business owners. Today we need to talk about December 7, “…a day that will live in infamy.”  It was on December 7 that we were attacked by the Empire of Japan and the day that our nation was plunged into a world war. That day needs to always be remembered, and we remember and pray-for those who were lost.

December 7 is also a day to remember because it was a day when a generous and wonderful business in Salem, MA. lost its bid to remain as a cherished contributor to our city. It was on December 7 that a court order was issued that closed the Victoria Station Restaurant just across the street from our former location. The company that mismanages Pickering Wharf closed the building just days before a major children’s charity was to have taken place. Could such an order have been delayed? Of course, but to paraphrase an item from the Salem Evening News, all was legal, and the likes of what one might expect from Ebenezer Scrooge.

Mr. Basanti, owner of Victoria Station was very kind to us. Just a few months after I opened my shop, a frozen pipe burst on February 14, 2013, the ceiling fell in, and the place flooded. When a premature end to my efforts was at hand, Victoria Station generously allowed me to use their small function room to continue my readings while repairs were made on MY INSURANCE, and not at the expense of the property management company. When I offered to pay Victoria Station for the use of their space, they refused, asserting that as a fellow business, we all had to stick together. We certainly agreed. Victoria Station also provided us with space for our own charity fundraisers for the St Jude Hospital for Children, and as class space for my students.

Indeed, before we moved from Pickering Wharf we suffered rain water leaks for months that damaged the interior again. While it was repaired MONTHS LATER the decision to move was already in motion.

The court order’s timing that locked the building is horrific. A major children’s charity would loose out, and so many wonderful and generous employees would be out of work, just days before the holiday season. Many business people in Salem have commented to me that this is a well-established fact of how business is conducted there. Based on our own experience and that of our former abutting neighbors, we have to whole-heartedly agree.

Thankfully the Hawthorne Hotel has generously offered to fill-in for the Salem Children’s Charity. In that vein, we will also do the same and will have a charity donation box set up when we host Santa Claus at our shop at 107 Federal St, on Sunday, Dec 17 from 12 pm to 6 pm. We will see to it that clothing and other items make its way to those in need. I have also donated 20-card readings from the shop to be auctioned off for this good cause.

The City of Salem is at a transition point. As business owners we all benefit from each other, and our clientele benefit from good business practices which needs to include good property owners. There is no good to be had from a carpet-bagger mentality that could ruin local business. We hope and pray that Mr. Basanti can recover from this situation and Victoria Station can resume again, if not in the current location, someplace nearby. We will all benefit from his business acumen and generosity.

Blessings to you all.

Growavy Energy Art

My Friends, we are pleased to bring to your attention a new line of fabulous jewelry.

I have met the artist and these are all handcrafted of the highest quality. Here are a few offerings, and a link back to Growavy ™ Energy Art.

Growavy ™ Handcrafted Energy Art by Master Artisan, Fortune.


We hope to be carrying this line in our shop soon. In the meantime you can connect with Growavy ™, at this link.


April 23 Strega Class – Ongoing

This announcement is only for the currently enrolled students in the Advanced Strega Class.  This is a reminder that we have scheduled the next Advanced Strega class on Sunday, April 23.  Same time and same location as always for those enrolled.  It would be very helpful if you REVP ** by phone** to the shop at 978-740-9297.  Regarding new classes.  Maybe in the spring or summer.  It is being considered.  Blessings to you all !

Winter Reading

Winter doldrums have you down?  Here are some interesting books to consider from your local bookstore or online bookseller.     I’ve been reading some of these or have already read them.  Read… it is exercise for the mind.

Heresey – Sacrelidge – Prophecy,”  by S. J. Parris.  A 3-book series including characters such as Giordano Bruno (my ancestor) offering a historical in the Elizabethan era.  Well researched with fact, and encompassing fiction.    Read more at:  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18468613-giordano-bruno-series-books-1-3

Two books by my dear friend Patricia Cornwall.  “Chaos,” a highly-researched must-read you cannot put down, and also watch for the upcoming book to be called “Ripper.”  More at:  http://www.patriciacornwell.com/

And for positive motivation and thinking:  “Jump,” by Steve Harvey to help you overcome the feeling of not being able to move forward, and to dispel negative thinking.  A review can be seen at:  https://books.google.com/books/about/Jump.html?id=R5dcCwAAQBAJ&source=kp_cover&hl=en

Enjoy!  Make a cup of tea and sit back and enjoy personal time.  Refresh the body and soul while exercising the mind!  BB!

Holiday Hours

We will have special holiday season hours so our staff can enjoy this festive
season with family and friends.   See you soon !

Sat – Dec 24 – Closed – Christmas Eve
Sun – Dec 25 – Closed – Christmas Day
Mon – Dec 26 – Closed – Christmas Observed

Dec 27 thru Dec 30 – Regular Hours

Sat – Dec 31 – Closed – New Years Eve
Sun – Jan 1 – Closed – New Years Day
Mon – Jan 2 – Closed – New Years Observed